About Me

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I am what you can call "a late bloomer" as far as writing fan fiction. I created this page to share stories that I am currently writing. This blog will show my passion/obsession for anything TWILIGHT. This will also serve as my rambling post. Nothing hot and heavy, just your normal youtube crap, teasers and gossips. Yeah, that should do it. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks for dropping by!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teaser: Walk with Me Chapter 32

I drove my car straight into our garage, nearly ripping off the door by from its hinges. I staggered to regain my footing when I stepped out of the car. Damn these useless legs! I cursed under my breath as I retrieve my crutches from the back seat. I’m back to my eternal hell and jail, and I thought I could get rid of my crutches already.

A slap of mental musings assaulted me as I rummaged in the garage for things I needed for my meeting with Jason. He’d pay dearly for what he had done to Bella and our unborn child. Vengeance would be sweet and painfully slow and it’ll be mine!
I could hear Jason’s mind rambling non-stop about some demons running after him and I smirked at the thought of how deranged he was. He sounded creeped out of by master banshees which caused me to laugh bitterly; on this day and age…he still believed in myths and legends. He should be more afraid of my kind, Me in particular! I intend to gut him out completely. Jason wouldn’t know what hit him by the time I say I’m done!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TEASER: Walk With Me- Chapter 31

Carlisle left the hospital in a haste, applying slight pressure to the accelerator to get the powerful car moving at a faster pace. He had to get to the house before anyone else did. He floored the gas pedal and the car responded eagerly. He did not dare think of what he planned to do in Edward’s presence. Sadness washed over him as he thought of his son and Bella. He gave Edward his word, his promise, that he would watch over Bella and the children while he was away. Carlisle felt guilt’s weight crash down on him, and it only got worse with every tick of time. He should’ve made Bella and the twins stay with them in Edward’s absence or made sure that one of them stayed at her place. Too late now, the damaged had been done. There’s no one to blame but him. He failed to keep his promise.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Archaic Lies- A one-shot contributed to the Fandom Fights the Floods in Queensland

Click on the header so you can be directed to the Fandom Fights the Floods site if you would like to donate and receive a compilation of all stories by other writers. The list will be given to you on March 1, 2011 once you have given your donation.

TEASER: Collaboration with the talented Shadow_Kissed

The sound of the massive door creaking open in the silence of the church hallways followed by a blast of cold air caused them to shudder and check the approaching figure.

It was time.

His powerful stride was noticeable in the dark church. Though, there was no mistake; the Devil didn’t belong along the humble statues that adorned the walls as his outfit screamed wealth and underneath the attire dangerous knowledge. The form of a man wore black dress pants; he donned on a shirt that appeared to be made of fine silk, and had a dark blood cravat.

Everything about him was black, even the leather strip that restrained his mid shoulder hair. But it was the fire in his eyes that compelled the faithful to avoid his gaze and leave the temple.

Stride after stride the devil could feel his body humming with life. The world could be rising up in flames and the devil wouldn’t have cared, ironic, but at present he had matters to attend to.