About Me

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I am what you can call "a late bloomer" as far as writing fan fiction. I created this page to share stories that I am currently writing. This blog will show my passion/obsession for anything TWILIGHT. This will also serve as my rambling post. Nothing hot and heavy, just your normal youtube crap, teasers and gossips. Yeah, that should do it. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks for dropping by!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chapter 39- Teaser

“Edward,” Bella avoided the kiss as she covered her mouth with her hand. “I have to brush my teeth first.” She put on her robe and started hopping on her good leg. Before Bella could make another step, Edward whisked her off her feet and carried her to the bathroom.

“I told you, I don’t want you hopping around.” His voice was still playful but Bella noticed the tight expression on his face.

“Is everything okay Edward?”

“Just humor me Bella. I am scared shitless for you and our baby. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby so please be a good girl and allow me to carry you around if you aren’t crutching.” Edward placed her on her feet in front of the bathroom sink and leaned against the wall, waiting for her to answer.

“But…. I am fine, really.”

“Can’t you for a change listen to me?” Edward’s voice raised a notch which surprised them both.

Bella had a smart retort ready to fire off but she bit her tongue knowing that Edward would know it either way. She looked at herself in the mirror and moved her gaze to Edward’s unmoving form by the wall next to her; she realized that he had the right to be cautious, to be afraid, to be possessive. But she didn’t like that at all. It left a bad taste in her mouth to be told what to do.

“You really don’t have any choice in the matter Bella. I will do whatever I deem right as far as you are concerned.” With those words spoken, Edward strode out of the bathroom and out of the room. Bella was left alone wondering how in the hell everything went from good to bad. Was she wrong to seek a little independence? To be able to do things on her own? Must she be dependent on Edward for everything? Answers eluded her as she scrubbed her face angrily. Tears trickled down her face at their own volition as she hastily wiped them away. She finished her morning ritual and turned around ready to hop back to the bedroom only to find Edward waiting by the door for her.

“Hopping, I said, is not an option,” he told her in a tone that sounded foreign to her ears. Edward managed to pick her up without waiting to hear what she had to say.

A little clicking noise sounded before she realized that she and Edward were falling…..

“Mother fucker!” Edward cursed under his breath.