About Me

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I am what you can call "a late bloomer" as far as writing fan fiction. I created this page to share stories that I am currently writing. This blog will show my passion/obsession for anything TWILIGHT. This will also serve as my rambling post. Nothing hot and heavy, just your normal youtube crap, teasers and gossips. Yeah, that should do it. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks for dropping by!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another Teaser: Irreversible- Chapter 17

Just because I can't deny Monnie her favorite story. Here's another teaser... Gah... maybe I should just post the chapter! NOT!!! lmaooo

Oh, if there are errors whatsoever, please know that I haven't had the chance to apply the beta's correction etc.

Chapter 17: Teaser again

“Hey Edward, my man! What’s up?” Jonesy looked up from the chart he was working on as soon as I wheeled myself in the office. I merely grunted, not feeling particularly chatty that morning.

“What’s wrong Eddie?” My dense friend asked pushing aside the chart her was working on to give me his full attention.

“Nothing.” I settled right behind my desk. I powered my computer and avoided his gaze.

“Okay man, spill it!” Jonesy ordered, walking towards my desk. “Spill.” He said once more as soon as he reached my space, sitting on the empty chair in front.

“Where is Bella? Are we expecting her today?”  I tried to sound nonchalant but my tone came out terse and I silently kicked myself. I even realized that I may have ended up looking grim in the process.

Jonesy looked at me long and hard before he spoke. “Bella called me yesterday said she had a call from one of her clients and they needed her in L.A. She said she’ll call to let me know when she’ll be back. I kinda expect that it might take her several days or even a week before we see her back here.”


“Eddie, is there something going on between you and Bella?” Jonesy pushed, leaning on my table and I could see from the corner of my eye that he was intently trying to read me.

“Nothing Jonesy, I just wanted to ask her something.” This was basically the truth. I needed some of my questions answered. I wanted to ask her if she still loved me.

Teaser: Irreversible- Chapter 17

“Um… a few days ago, Emmett and I went to see a movie right?” Waited for her to nod and when she did, I continued.

“Emmett got into a fight with this girl,” I stopped when Tanya’s mouth gaped open and wouldn’t close. “No, not fist fight. They got into a popcorn fight. So it escalated to the point that we were all asked to leave in the middle of the movie and ordered to clean up the mess. To cut the long story short, the girl Emmett had a brush in with is a friend of Bella.” As soon as I mentioned the name, Tanya sat up straighter but didn’t say a word.

“So yeah, we were asked to stay and clean right after. So while we were doing so, the girl with a big mouth said something about Bella having to go to Lamaze class.” Tanya’s eyes grew as big as saucers and I could feel her body sag and I felt like an idiot.

“Is the baby yours?”  Tanya’s voice was but a whisper, her face suddenly dropping but her hand instead gripped my hand, as if begging me to run.


The door opened and Emmett walked in, one look at us and I could tell that he knew something wasn’t right. He waved to us, dropped his key on the hallway bureau and went into the kitchen, making the as little noise as he possibly could.

“Bella won’t answer my calls. I don’t know…I didn’t even think it was possible.” I finished in a defeated tone. I had no outs. I had sex with another woman, without protecting myself…and her. For this, I was the world’s biggest idiot.

“You had no protection?” Tanya’s voice came out strangled; her eyes started brimming with unshed tears.
“I told you, it happened so fast. I wasn’t thinking… it was a bad move on my part.” Sure, not to mention that I enjoyed it immensely and amnesia was to blame.

*See you guys soon! Same bat-time and same bat-channel! :D

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Teaser: Irreversible- Chapter 15

I'm dedicating this teaser to KimiD, a sort of peace offering to alleviate the undue stress that Chapter 14 had caused her. LMAO. Hope you like it girl! Shout out to all of you who may at one point wanted to strangle me for taking this story in the direction akin to the twilight zone.

I haven't applied the corrections suggested by my Beta so please ignore the errors that you may come across.

TEASER: Chapter 15

“Bella, what in the world were you thinking? Don’t you know that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and transmission of diseases? For Christ sake, you are 27 years old, not some teenager with a raging hormone.” Alice’s high pitched voice nearly blasted my eardrums as she screamed at me. I pushed myself off the floor and settled on the little sofa in the seating area. Alice followed me, her little pixie face seemed terribly bothered by my revelation.

“I know, well, I am not the one who uses the rubber remember?” Lame but that was all I could come up with. In Edward’s defense, I practically begged him to have sex with me, and the guy was not even ready, I doubted he had sex in mind when he came to my room to check up on me, judging by the way he asked me several times.

“Don’t be smart with me Bella. What happened to No glove, no love? You really went to the dark side this time, you know that?” Alice huffed next to me as I chewed on my lower lip. Yup, I knew this was coming. By all means, Alice was right. I lost it, whatever self respect I have flew out the window when I begged a man, not just any man, Edward of all people to make love to me.

“I know it already, geez, how many times must you tell me that I am such a loser? I get it…I am suffering the consequences now, Am I not?

“What if you get pregnant?” Another question to answer a question. Great!

“No!” I stared at Alice incredulously, only Alice could think of ways to scare me. The question startled me into silence once it sank in. Could Alice possibly be right? What was the likelihood of that happening? The thought scared the shit out of me and I jumped out of the sofa and moved as fast as my ankle would allow me to get to my laptop.

“What are you doing? You didn’t answer my question?” Alice asked a puzzled expression in her face. She followed me to the desk and glanced at the monitor when I typed PARAPLEGIC AND SEX.  Alice made a gurgling noise as I scrolled from one subject to another. I sat down on the chair and started to read the article that seemed closely related to the answer I was looking for.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Irreversible- Chapter 13 Teaser- a request by Journey

“Bella, I don’t think this is a good idea.” I said even if everything inside me wanted to jump on her already.

“I know but do you want to fight it?” Her question came as a surprised to me. Was she fighting the attraction too?

“I don’t really know….I am….” Before I had a chance to finish what I wanted to say…her mouth closed in on mine. I found my mouth responding to her kisses with equal passion, craning my neck forward so I could return her kisses.

“Edward…stop talking…no talking... You and I, we both want this…..” She murmured in my mouth, her hands already helping me off my chair. I tried to think, to be realistic, to tell Bella that we are wrong for even thinking of this but my mouth refuse to say the words out loud. I was jumping to my ultimate destruction but it didn’t matter at that moment. The call of flesh and the lust that I could feel building up was all that seemed to matter at the moment. Heeding my body’s call was the only thing I could think of.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chapter 39- Teaser

“Edward,” Bella avoided the kiss as she covered her mouth with her hand. “I have to brush my teeth first.” She put on her robe and started hopping on her good leg. Before Bella could make another step, Edward whisked her off her feet and carried her to the bathroom.

“I told you, I don’t want you hopping around.” His voice was still playful but Bella noticed the tight expression on his face.

“Is everything okay Edward?”

“Just humor me Bella. I am scared shitless for you and our baby. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby so please be a good girl and allow me to carry you around if you aren’t crutching.” Edward placed her on her feet in front of the bathroom sink and leaned against the wall, waiting for her to answer.

“But…. I am fine, really.”

“Can’t you for a change listen to me?” Edward’s voice raised a notch which surprised them both.

Bella had a smart retort ready to fire off but she bit her tongue knowing that Edward would know it either way. She looked at herself in the mirror and moved her gaze to Edward’s unmoving form by the wall next to her; she realized that he had the right to be cautious, to be afraid, to be possessive. But she didn’t like that at all. It left a bad taste in her mouth to be told what to do.

“You really don’t have any choice in the matter Bella. I will do whatever I deem right as far as you are concerned.” With those words spoken, Edward strode out of the bathroom and out of the room. Bella was left alone wondering how in the hell everything went from good to bad. Was she wrong to seek a little independence? To be able to do things on her own? Must she be dependent on Edward for everything? Answers eluded her as she scrubbed her face angrily. Tears trickled down her face at their own volition as she hastily wiped them away. She finished her morning ritual and turned around ready to hop back to the bedroom only to find Edward waiting by the door for her.

“Hopping, I said, is not an option,” he told her in a tone that sounded foreign to her ears. Edward managed to pick her up without waiting to hear what she had to say.

A little clicking noise sounded before she realized that she and Edward were falling…..

“Mother fucker!” Edward cursed under his breath.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Teaser- Chapter 37

“I want to hear it Edward.” My words were strangled as I tried to get a better grip on myself.

“Let’s put our baby girl to rest, maybe have a little grave for her in the backyard?” The sadness was back in Edward’s voice but he didn’t falter. Determination shone in his face and I drew strength from them.

“I would like that very much.” It was the thought that mattered to me. The idea of an empty grave as a tribute to our little girl took my breath away. Uncertain as we were in the real gender of our unborn child, I took what my dreams kept telling me. She was a girl and we would remember her forever.

“It’s settled then, after your sonogram tomorrow, we can have a little gathering in the backyard. I will ask Alice to work on the flowers and have Emmett or Jasper to help with the gravestone.” Edward said as we basked in the wonderful idea. We spent a few moments in silence before Edward spoke again this time, there was a little gleam of hope and happiness in his eyes.

“What do you like to name our little girl?”

I felt my heart skip at the question. What a thoughtful and considerate question. I wouldn’t have thought of it myself. I’ve always called her “our baby girl”. The knowledge that we have a name to go with our faceless child was good enough for me.

“I would like to name her…..ENORA. I breathed the name out. “It means everlasting.” The sound of the name made my eyes water again. This time I was more at peace with her demise.

“Enora……” Edward repeated the name and it sounded so right. It fit our baby girl. “I like it Bella,” he said after he mentioned the name several more times, letting the sweet sound of the name caress our senses.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TEASER: Walk With Me- Chapter

Edward pressed his lips together to keep from screaming out his frustrations. His face contorted into a frightening mask as he lifted Bella’s body from the tub. Water dripped behind them as he walked to the bedroom clutching Bella tightly against his chest. He lay her down gently on the bed and flashed back to the bathroom and back with a towel.

With gentle hands, he slowly wiped the water off of her body, softly rubbing the cotton starting from her shoulders, trailing down to her chest where his hand lingered at her breast area. A small wave of hiss escaped his lips as he continued down across the expanse of her body. His eyes a dark abyss as he went through the task of drying her off.

A pang of hunger weighed on him like a ton of bricks and he swallowed the venom that gathered in his mouth. Bella’s blood was driving him crazy, more so now than ever and it scared the hell out of him. Conflicted as he felt at the moment, he couldn’t get himself to leave her even for a short time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teaser: Walk with Me Chapter 32

I drove my car straight into our garage, nearly ripping off the door by from its hinges. I staggered to regain my footing when I stepped out of the car. Damn these useless legs! I cursed under my breath as I retrieve my crutches from the back seat. I’m back to my eternal hell and jail, and I thought I could get rid of my crutches already.

A slap of mental musings assaulted me as I rummaged in the garage for things I needed for my meeting with Jason. He’d pay dearly for what he had done to Bella and our unborn child. Vengeance would be sweet and painfully slow and it’ll be mine!
I could hear Jason’s mind rambling non-stop about some demons running after him and I smirked at the thought of how deranged he was. He sounded creeped out of by master banshees which caused me to laugh bitterly; on this day and age…he still believed in myths and legends. He should be more afraid of my kind, Me in particular! I intend to gut him out completely. Jason wouldn’t know what hit him by the time I say I’m done!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TEASER: Walk With Me- Chapter 31

Carlisle left the hospital in a haste, applying slight pressure to the accelerator to get the powerful car moving at a faster pace. He had to get to the house before anyone else did. He floored the gas pedal and the car responded eagerly. He did not dare think of what he planned to do in Edward’s presence. Sadness washed over him as he thought of his son and Bella. He gave Edward his word, his promise, that he would watch over Bella and the children while he was away. Carlisle felt guilt’s weight crash down on him, and it only got worse with every tick of time. He should’ve made Bella and the twins stay with them in Edward’s absence or made sure that one of them stayed at her place. Too late now, the damaged had been done. There’s no one to blame but him. He failed to keep his promise.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Archaic Lies- A one-shot contributed to the Fandom Fights the Floods in Queensland

Click on the header so you can be directed to the Fandom Fights the Floods site if you would like to donate and receive a compilation of all stories by other writers. The list will be given to you on March 1, 2011 once you have given your donation.

TEASER: Collaboration with the talented Shadow_Kissed

The sound of the massive door creaking open in the silence of the church hallways followed by a blast of cold air caused them to shudder and check the approaching figure.

It was time.

His powerful stride was noticeable in the dark church. Though, there was no mistake; the Devil didn’t belong along the humble statues that adorned the walls as his outfit screamed wealth and underneath the attire dangerous knowledge. The form of a man wore black dress pants; he donned on a shirt that appeared to be made of fine silk, and had a dark blood cravat.

Everything about him was black, even the leather strip that restrained his mid shoulder hair. But it was the fire in his eyes that compelled the faithful to avoid his gaze and leave the temple.

Stride after stride the devil could feel his body humming with life. The world could be rising up in flames and the devil wouldn’t have cared, ironic, but at present he had matters to attend to.